On-demand expertise for home inspection reviews
Home inspection reports, while necessary, can create friction during due diligence, potentially threatening an on-time closing for a real estate transaction. GCReview can help close that gap by reviewing home inspection reports and examining high priority issues on-site with our objective expertise as general contractors with decades-long experience.
Standard reviews include three elements:
We review home inspection reports and classify all items into four categories, based on recommended prioritization:
No need to address: Typical wear of a home with no projected long-term issues
Low priority: No immediate need but recommend addressing eventually
Medium priority: Recommend addressing in the near-term for the long-term health of the homeHigh priority: Recommend immediate remediation
High priority: Recommend immediate remediation
Provide estimates for repair of recommended items, including added costs for examination or work by subcontractors.
Our estimates are informed by decades-long experience building, remodeling, and repairing homes.
Repair estimates are also subtotaled by priority level.
Any fees paid for a review can be credited to the project if GCReview is contracted to complete the repairs.
Final deliverables include:
Annotated copy of original inspection report
GCReview Summary report including estimates for recommended repairs, separated by item
For contracted work, GCReview manages:
All desired projects and subcontractors
Logistical coordination between agents, buyers, and sellers
Contact Us
Ready to schedule a review? We’d be happy to talk or meet to discuss your situation or concerns.